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Anton Churyukanov was born and raised in Russia, Moscow. He was raised by his parents who worked as professional photographers. Since his early childhood, he started to  work with his parents as the second photo/video editor. He learned initial photo/video operations including school, kidder garden and wedding photography. When Anton became 17 years old, he decided to move to Canada. He studied at Bodwell High School which located in North Vancouver, Canada. He actively participated as the main  photographer at every school event. Usually, he produced promo and school life videos. In 2013, Anton successfully got accepted into  LaSalle college (Fashion Marketing). He learned history of fashion industry, textiles, predicting upcoming trends, illustrator, film editing etc. In 2017, he got  his first internship as a fashion video editor in Book Model Agency. Anton recorded news and catwalk live events. Also, he helped to develop models' portfolios including studio photo shoots and filming behind the scene parts. Later on, he decides to continue to work as a talent agent, and he got hired by another  Retune model agency based in Toronto.  Additionally, Anton participated in many international and Russian photo/short movie contests,  where he won different prices. 




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